Meet the Team

Amy Pulsifer

Accounting Specialist

Amy Pulsifer


June 23


Newport News, VA

Where You Call "Home"

West Virginia

Most Memorable Moment at UltraTech

My interview and winning Employee of the Month!


Fishing, hiking, camping, crafts, and weekend getaways.

Something from Your Bucket List

Alaskan cruise

Favorite Thing About UltraTech

The recognition, the fun, the perks, and including the employees in everything!

Who/What Has Been Your Biggest Influence in Business?

My past boss, Tricia. She was a woman in a man’s field (tires). I watched her overcome obstacle after obstacle to keep her business running.

Who/What Has Been Your Biggest Influence in Life?

My Mother for her overpowering faith, kindness, love, and strength. <3