Meet the Team

Savannah Michael

Customer Service Representative

Savannah Michael


March 31


Virginia Beach, VA

Where You Call "Home"


Most Memorable Moment at UltraTech

When I first started, I was training, and Mark comes around and he was saying hello to everyone. He got to me, and he knew my name without me having to tell him.


Video gaming, going to the beach, traveling.

Something from Your Bucket List

Go on a cruise.

Favorite Thing About UltraTech

The teamwork, how everyone is willing to help each other without hesitation. Everyone treats everyone like we’re family.

Who/What Has Been Your Biggest Influence in Business?

My stepdad, he showed me how to keep pushing to become successful, no matter how difficult the obstacles are that I come across. He taught me to keep striving to succeed.

Who/What Has Been Your Biggest Influence in Life?

My best friend, Lindsey. She is always pushing me to do things out of my comfort zone. I see her as my sister and we are always pushing each other to get the most out of life.