Ultra-Drum Tray®

Keeps floors free of spills

Product Highlights

NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all listed product measurements are L x W x H, outside dimensions, and for a single unit where quantity is more than one.

Ultra-Drum Trays

Part #
Dimensions in. (mm)
Containment Capacity gal. (L)
Weight lbs. (kg)
1045 Tray Without Grating 32 x 32 x 8.1 (812.8 x 812.8 x 206.5) 22.8 (86.3) 19 (8.6)
1046 Tray With Grating 32 x 32 x 8.1 (812.8 x 812.8 x 206.5) 21.1 (79.9) 26 (11.8)
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Part #
Product Image
Dimensions in. (mm)
Weight Capacity UDL lbs. (kg)
Weight lbs. (kg)
0417 Dolly 26.5 x 26.5 x 5 (673.1 x 673.1 x 127) 800 (362.9) 35 (15.9) For use with flat-bottom products only.
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