Ultra-Sidewinder Cable Protection System®
Protect cords and cables and avoid dangerous tripping hazards
The Ultra-Sidewinder Cable Protection System is an innovative new solution for protecting cables run across a floor. The new design articulates left and right—allowing the system to turn corners and adapt to the layout of the room while maintaining full protection for the cables and trip protection for pedestrians. Cables can be left in the system for the ultimate in portability, or left in place indefinitely. There is no longer a compromise between safety and flexibility.
For a detailed look at the Ultra-Sidewinder Cable Protection System, check out our micro-site at UltraSidewinder.com!
Product Highlights
- Articulating pieces offer flexible design - curves, corners and s-curves are easily made while maintaining a completely flat profile.
- Modular design makes it easy to reconfigure, repair and replace targeted segments, even while the cable remains connected.
- Simple "snap in" assembly - no tools or cutting required.
- Ramps available for ADA compliance.
- Fully customizable length.
- Black & yellow color provides additional "safety tape" type visual warning. Also available in all black.
- Also available in all black, gray and brown to complement any floor (small size only).
The Risk of Fire
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) – “Electrical cords should not be run under carpets or rugs, as the wires can be damaged by foot traffic, then overheat and ignite the carpet or rug over them.”
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission – “Never cover any part of an extension cord with… rugs… while in use (and) never place an extension cord where it is likely to be damaged by heavy furniture or foot traffic.”
- U.S. Fire Administration – “Many avoidable electric fires can be traced to misuse of electric cords, such as… running the cords under rugs or in high traffic areas.”
The Ultra-Sidewinder eliminates the fire hazard associated with electrical cords as its rigid structure keeps the cord from being impacted and maintains the integrity of the insulation that keeps the wires from shorting out.
The Risk of Injury or Damage
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that each year, about 2,000 fractures, lacerations, contusions, or sprains are treated in hospital emergency rooms from people tripping over extension cords. (CPSC Document #16)
- Tripping on cords is due to three possible conditions. The Ultra-Sidewinder provides trip protection from these conditions:
- It protects from trips when you step on a round cord and it rolls under your foot. The rubber feet on the bottom keep it from sliding when stepped on.
- It protects you if you kick the cord. A cord that does not move when kicked creates a trip hazard. The Ultra-Sidewinder is designed to give when kicked to minimize the hazard.
- Cords can loop up and not sit flat on the floor. This creates an opening for one’s foot to get hooked into and cause a trip or fall. The Ultra-Sidewinder covers the cords and eliminates this concern.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all listed product measurements are L x W x H, outside dimensions, and for a single unit where quantity is more than one.
Part # | Model | Color | Dimensions in. (mm) | Weight lbs. (kg) | Weight Capacity UDL lbs. (kg) |
1800 | System with Endcaps | Black/Yellow | 39.5 x 3 x .8 (1003.3 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 1.5 (.7) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1801 | Extension | Black/Yellow | 13.1 x 3 x .8 (333.2 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 0.5 (.2) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1820 | 24-Foot Bulk Box System | Black/Yellow | 288 x 3 x .8 (7315.2 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 10 (4.5) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1802 | System with Endcaps | Black | 39.5 x 3 x .8 (1003.3 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 1.5 (.7) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1803 | Extension | Black | 13.1 x 3 x .8 (333.2 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 0.5 (.2) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1804 | System with Endcaps | Brown | 39.5 x 3 x .8 (1003.3 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 1.5 (.7) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1805 | Extension | Brown | 13.1 x 3 x .8 (333.2 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 0.5 (.2) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1806 | System with Endcaps | Gray | 39.5 x 3 x .8 (1003.3 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 1.5 (.7) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
1807 | Extension | Gray | 13.1 x 3 x .8 (333.2 x 76.2 x 19.1) Channel Opening: 3/4” (19mm) W x 3/8” (9.5mm) H | 0.5 (.2) | 2,000 lbs./in2 (140.6 kg./cm2 ) |
Part # | Model | Color | Dimensions in. (mm) | Weight lbs. (kg) | Weight Capacity UDL lbs. (kg) |
1830 | System with Endcaps | Black/Yellow | 33 x 9.8 x 1.4 (838.2 x 247.7 x 35.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 3/4” (19mm) H | 6 (2.7) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1831 | Extension | Black/Yellow | 14.1 x 9.8 x 1.4 (358.6 x 247.7 x 35.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 3/4” (19mm) H | 2 (.9) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1832 | System with Endcaps | Black | 33 x 9.8 x 1.4 (838.2 x 247.7 x 35.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 3/4” (19mm) H | 6 (2.7) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1833 | Extension | Black | 14.1 x 9.8 x 1.4 (358.6 x 247.7 x 35.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 3/4” (19mm) H | 2 (.9) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
Part # | Model | Color | Dimensions in. (mm) | Weight lbs. (kg) | Weight Capacity UDL lbs. (kg) |
1840 | System with Endcaps | Black/Yellow | 34 x 13.6 x 2.1 (863.6 x 346.2 x 54.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 1.5” (38mm) H | 13.5 (6.1) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1841 | Extension | Black/Yellow | 14.1 x 12 x 2.1 (358.6 x 304.8 x 54.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 1.5” (38mm) H | 4.5 (2) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1842 | System with Endcaps | Black | 34 x 13.6 x 2.1 (863.6 x 346.2 x 54.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 1.5” (38mm) H | 13.5 (6.1) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
1843 | Extension | Black | 14.1 x 12 x 2.1 (358.6 x 304.8 x 54.1) Channel Opening: 3” (76mm) W x 1.5” (38mm) H | 4.5 (2) | 260 lbs./in2 (18.3 kg./cm2 ) |
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get Ultra-Sidewinders in a different color?
Yes, we can do custom colors to match your company/school theme, etc. Minimums apply. Please contact us.
Is the Ultra-Sidewinder ADA compliant?
The small Ultra-Sidewinder is ADA compliant. We offer a ramp to go over the medium and large sizes in order to make them compliant with ADA regulations.
What makes the Ultra-Sidewinders different from other cord covers?
The patented design of the Ultra-Sidewinder allows it to curve and turn to better accommodate walls, furniture, and other obstructions. Unlike other cord covers/protectors that are long and straight, the Ultra-Sidewinder can be used both in straight configurations as well as with curves making it much more versatile and user-friendly. The modular design of the Ultra-Sidewinder also makes it unique. The quick, no-tools, “snap-on” construction allows multiple units to be quickly connected. The small sections mean you can get very exact with the length. It also means that in the unlikely event that the Ultra-Sidewinder gets damaged, any damaged sections can be quickly and easily removed and/or replaced.
How do I know what size Ultra-Sidewinder I need?
You can find out more info (including exact dimensions) on page 4 of our flyer, but to give you an idea the small Ultra-Sidewinder covers a single extension cord (3/8″), the medium Ultra-Sidewinder can cover up to (18) extension cords and the large Ultra-Sidewinder can cover up to (32) extension cords.
How much weight can the Ultra-Sidewinders hold?
2,000 lbs/sq. in for the small, and 260 lbs/sq. in for the medium and large.
Are the cords secured to the Ultra-Sidewinder somehow or does the it just lay on top of the cords?
Using a series of tabs, the Ultra-Sidewinders will secure cords/cables/hoses in the channel so they will remain covered even if the Ultra-Sidewinder gets moved. Alternatively, if securing cords/cable/hoses is not desired the tabs can be manually removed.
Why not just cover my cords with a rug?
Both the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission warn that rugs should never be used to cover electrical cords because of the potential of the cords overheating and/or igniting.
What about tape? Why not just tape my cords to the floor?
While using duct tape, gaffers tape and other types of tape is a popular “solution” to covering cords, it is unsightly and leaves a sticky residue that attracts dirt and causes long-lasting and possibly permanent damage to the carpet.
More Info / Downloads
Helps Comply with These Rules & Regulations
- Wiring Design and Protection 29 CFR 1910.304 & 29 CFR 1910.305
- ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG)
Additional Product Information
Uniform Product Codes (UPCs)
- UPC 808416018004 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1800)
- UPC 808416018011 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1801)
- UPC 808416018202 Ultra-Sidewinder 24-Foot Bulk Box System (Part #1820)
- UPC 808416018028 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1802)
- UPC 808416018035 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1803)
- UPC 808416018042 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1804)
- UPC 808416018059 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1805)
- UPC 808416018066 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1806)
- UPC 808416018073 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1807)
- UPC 808416018301 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1830)
- UPC 808416018318 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1831)
- UPC 808416018325 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1832)
- UPC 808416018332 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1833)
- UPC 808416018400 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1840)
- UPC 808416018417 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1841)
- UPC 808416018424 Ultra-Sidewinder System with Endcaps (Part #1842)
- UPC 808416018431 Ultra-Sidewinder Extension (Part #1843)
- UPC 808416018226 Ultra-Sidewinder Medium Size Ramp (Part #1822)
- UPC 808416018240 Ultra-Sidewinder Large Size Ramp (Part #1824)